Explore important training resources & support

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – commitment to lifelong learning is a keystone requirement for responsible gun ownership. Check out essential training resources and support involving firearms and non firearms videos, plus much more...

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General Knowledge: Firearm & Safety "Series"

Don Williamson (Firearm Instructor | Retired Law Enforcement) has more than 30 years of experience under his belt. Since leaving the Riverside Sheriff Department, he’s taken aim at spreading his expertise. A FBI-certified sniper and firearms instructor, Don teaches classes on firearms in California. He also shares his knowledge as an adjunct professor for Law Enforcement, focusing on Homeland Security, Leadership, Ethics, Law, and Instructional Techniques.

1.1 Overview of Responsible Gun Ownership
1.2 Obtaining a Firearm
1.3 General Safety

Firearm Overview: Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun "Series"

Oliver Gruner (Tactical Instructor | Special Ops), a former French naval commando and professional kickboxer. Today, Olivier makes it his mission to share the knowledge he’s gained. His training company focuses on imparting students with equal parts safety and skill.

1.1b Overview (Parts): Rifle
1.1c Overview (Parts): Shotgun
1.2a Storage: Handgun

Non Firearm Self-Defense "Series"

Brie Zepeda (Self-Defense Instructor | Krav Maga Expert) is an Arizona native who shifted into the world of martial arts. For the last five years, she’s empowered individuals on how to effectively use their bodies as tools to defend themselves. Her teaching style draws heavily from Krav Maga to build awareness, strengthen endurance, keep composure, and fight effectively.

1.1 Overview
1.2 At Home & At the Bar
1.3 Public Space Scenarios
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